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JKH Vs EXPO - Comparative Analysis

God Father | Published on the tue Jan 03, 2023 12:48 am | 596 Views


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- JKH is a fully Diversified Group but Expolanka is mainly in shipping business which is more service related. 
- Tourism business is expected to recover and boom in next 3 years but freight/transport cost which reached its peak due to pandemic continue to fall.
- JKH's Asset base is far greater than Expo due to nature of business which result in lower ROI and ROA.
- JKH share trades at a greater discount to its Book Value (BV) as against Expo.
- Foreign investors are interested in more diverified companies like JKH with independent managment, which is also internationally listed via GDR.
- JKH is more preferable to long term investors who considers value investment with limited downside.

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