Income Growth 14.30% 1.00%
Net Interest Income 10.80% 7.00%
Impairments -83.00% -75.00%
PBT ( VAT & Inc Tax ) 52.00% 40.00%
June to Sep Loan 10.00% 7.00%
Portfolio Growth
NAV 39.80 63.80
Share Price 66.50 124.00
Quarter EPS 11.00 22.80
PE 6.06 5.39
PB 1.67 1.94
Sector PE - 11.6
Share Value 127.60 264.48
Feel VFIN have a more growth potential than LFIN considering the above facts, specially lending Portfolio is growing faster than LFIN' s 7.00%.
Income growth is exceptional 13.00% compared to LFIN's 1.00%.
Give your comments plz..