Ceylon Finance Today: Sri Lanka faces four challenges, IMF Country Representative Eteri Kvintradze, speaking at a forum in Colombo yesterday, said.
One was external, related to the fall of the Chinese economy, the possible rise in US interest rates and the flight of capital, leading to a strain in the island's balance of payments (BoP), while the other three were internal.
One internal matter, which was the second challenge was connected with the fall in government revenue, the third was ease of doing business and the fourth, women's empowerment vis-à-vis labour participation.
On the external front, she said, due to the rebalancing of the Chinese economy, the world's second largest, from one of being export driven to that of being consumption (internal) driven, that has slowed down Chinese economic growth, with a knock on effect on commodity exports to China.
In the long term these changes were good, said Kvintradze.........
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