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#PM Crisis#

Ryan Hudson
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151LKA - #PM Crisis# - Page 7 Empty Re: #PM Crisis# Thu Dec 06, 2018 2:55 am


Senior Vice President - Equity Analytics
Senior Vice President - Equity Analytics

Yahapalanaya wrote:The space is ours; the frame is ours too

Comments / LKA - #PM Crisis# - Page 7 V-icon4 1488 Views / Wednesday, 5 December 2018 00:00


[size=17]By Ruwanthie de Chickera

Frames of Resistance…
On 28 November, at the annual National Youth Drama Awards held at Nelum Pokuna, two young artists – Surin Chamara and Kasun Ukwatta– made a singular public statement against the prevailing political culture of corruption, greed and shamelessness in this country.

LKA - #PM Crisis# - Page 7 Image_7ee152b8ef
Like the quiet integrity of the 90-year-old Tamil civil servant, and the flamboyant courage of the young Sinhala artists, let us retain our approval and our association only for those who really deserve it

Dramatically,in full sight of a live audience, these two young artists refused to accept awards from the hands of two chief guest politicians on the stage – Udaya Gammanpila and deleted Dissanayake. They insisted, instead, on receiving their awards from other officials who happened to be there.

In that moment, that awful Nelum Pokuna stage, which is still associated in the public’s mind with the corruption, greed and shamelessness of the Rajapaksa regime, became a site of dignity and of people’s resistance.

In that moment, Rajapaksa’s NelumPokuna stage belonged unequivocally to those two young artists and what they stood for –i.e.the absolute rejection of the politicians standing just next to them.

In that moment, those politicians who had so blatantly pushed their way into a public space and claimed it to promote themselves, were framed within this very same space – madeinto an instant spectacle of rejection, captured on camera, unable to stop smiling, having to keep clapping at their own public humiliation.

These are our sites of public resistance.They belong to us citizens.They must be claimed by us.

The very thing these two young Sinhala boys did so dramatically, in real time and in front of a live audience, was done a few weeks ago at a slower pace by Dr. Devanesan Nesiah – a senior Tamil civil servant of great repute and respect.

Dr. Nesiah, who received a Deshamanya award in 2017 from the hands of President Sirisena, returned this award to the President with an open letter stating his reasons for doing so, within the current political context.Along with the open letter was published a photograph of Dr. Nesiah and the President with the award held between them.

Within the context of Dr. Nesiah returning his award, that single picture – which was originally a picture of him being honoured by the President of this country – becamea picture of him rejecting the worthiness of the President to bestow honour on him.

That picture has now become one of the hallmark pictures of the events over the last five weeks in Sri Lanka.

These are the sites of public resistance.They really do belong to us citizens.But we must have the courage to claim them.

Sites of Resistance…
This is the nature of civilian resistance – and it rests on the fact that who we choose to associate with, and how we choose to associate with them, is ultimately, 100% within the control of each one of us.

Because of the public rejection from ordinary citizens like Ukwatta, Chamara and Nesiah, public figures like Sirisena, Gammanpila and Dissanayake will be remembered (at least in these instances) for their unworthiness and emptiness as men and as leaders.

We need to understand our own power.And we need to act on it.Public figures need endorsement – which means that politicians need our approval of them.This is what makes them legitimate.This is how they survive.This is how they grow.

Every time we pose for a photograph, invite to a ceremony, greet as ‘Honourable’, sponsor, bow, stand up, offer flowers, we are lending the politicians of our country our endorsement, our approval and our own personal dignity.

If this is ours to give, it is also ours to take away.

However, disturbingly, with the current continuing political chaos that has brought our country to its knees; politicians keep getting invited to events, keep getting put on stage, keep being venerated, idolised, and given podiums to speak from.And every time we give them this, they are claiming much more than our time; much more than that physical space on the platform.They are claiming our dignity.Our endorsement.

And make no mistake, in this climate of political breakdown, these men desperately need our endorsement.And also, make no mistake, in this climate of political bankruptcy we lend them this dignity by subjugating our own.

When citizens or organisations undiscerningly associate with politicians of questionable ethics, inconsistency, corruption, we lose something of our personal dignity and Sri Lanka loses more self-respect.We become more and more a country of abject, opportunistic subjects paying homage to our unworthy, opportunistic leaders.

As long as people are willing line up to receive favours, prestige, tax cuts, commissions, jobs, pensions and vehicles from our political leaders, we will be stuck in this loop of legitimising the continuation of corruption, inflated power and unprincipled leadership.

We will only gain as much as we are willing to give up.We will only retain what we never will trade.If we trade in our dignity, we lose our right to own it.If we accept the privileges, we lose the power to critique. 

Enough of the double game.Enough of the excuses.Enough of the casual hypocrisy.It is time we, as citizens, choose who we want to lend the dignity of our association to.Our public spaces belong to us.Who we invite into our lives, who we invite to our gatherings, our meetings, who we receive money from – all these things are entirely and completely within our control.

We need to take a stand – as individuals, as organisations, as corporate bodies, as industries; as schools, as professionals, as artists and primarily as citizens.We own our own bodies, our personal space – and collectively we own public space.

Let us share the dignity of this space with people that we respect, people that we endorse and people that we uphold as worthy of leading this country.Let us stand with them because we choose them.

And if there is no one worthy of this pride of place, let us stand alone, but together as a force that rejects this culture of political dishonesty and abuse of power – and let us reclaim these platforms as sites of civic dignity, values and service.

Like the quiet integrity of the 90-year-old Tamil civil servant, and the flamboyant courage of the young Sinhala artists, let us retain our approval and our association only for those who really deserve it.
LKA - #PM Crisis# - Page 7 A1111

152LKA - #PM Crisis# - Page 7 Empty Re: #PM Crisis# Thu Dec 06, 2018 10:45 am

Ryan Hudson

Assistant Vice President - Equity Analytics
Assistant Vice President - Equity Analytics

Now, My3 has done a great job here, he has taken the right decision to chase bank robber Ranil, it has helped the economy, international relations and numerous sectors, you may wonder what????

No this is the truth, you will understand in 3 years time how my3 was correct 

Ranil and his dubious companions were ruining our economy and our unbiased international relationships, 

When it comes to rating orgs, again Im stressing they are biased, specially fitch ratings is biased, 

Best example is arthur andersson and bankers magazine, our economy will not fall, we will stand up and fight for democracy, for general election to elect a parliament with majority

153LKA - #PM Crisis# - Page 7 Empty Re: #PM Crisis# Thu Dec 06, 2018 10:49 am

Ryan Hudson

Assistant Vice President - Equity Analytics
Assistant Vice President - Equity Analytics

Further more, yesterday Namal Kumara did another revelation that Ranil, Fonsi and Pujitha is connected to attempted kill of Prez, 

Still Ranil, Fonsi and Pujitha is mum about it, it means they have tried this, they have analysed the constitution and were about to do the big game? can we have such a power greedy man as our PM, propose to remove civic rights of Ranil as already recommended in Batalanda commission reoprt

154LKA - #PM Crisis# - Page 7 Empty Re: #PM Crisis# Thu Dec 06, 2018 3:22 pm


Senior Vice President - Equity Analytics
Senior Vice President - Equity Analytics

Ryan Hudson wrote:Now, My3 has done a great job here, he has taken the right decision to chase bank robber Ranil, it has helped the economy, international relations and numerous sectors, you may wonder what????

No this is the truth, you will understand in 3 years time how my3 was correct 

Ranil and his dubious companions were ruining our economy and our unbiased international relationships, 

When it comes to rating orgs, again Im stressing they are biased, specially fitch ratings is biased, 

Best example is arthur andersson and bankers magazine, our economy will not fall, we will stand up and fight for democracy, for general election to elect a parliament with majority
Yes MY3 and MR helped economy. Very Happy That's why no country accepts current horu regime..

Yes rating agency is biased..because jeolous of Srilanka which could compete with US, China etc.. Very Happy Go and tell this storey to methamulana gamayo.. Very Happy

Yes our economy will not fall...That's why spending millions in heli ryde while rich country president going in bicycle.. Very Happy

Now minisua ravattanda baa...

155LKA - #PM Crisis# - Page 7 Empty Re: #PM Crisis# Fri Dec 07, 2018 4:32 am



The present constitutional crisis has become an academic exercise due to ambiguities caused by the 19th amendment while the country is sinking. At this juncture the people's sovereignty should be given due recognition by either declaring a referendum or general election in order to avoid anarchy.

156LKA - #PM Crisis# - Page 7 Empty Re: #PM Crisis# Fri Dec 07, 2018 6:32 am


Assistant Vice President - Equity Analytics
Assistant Vice President - Equity Analytics

samaritan wrote:The present constitutional crisis has become an academic exercise due to ambiguities caused by the 19th amendment while the country is sinking. At this juncture the people's sovereignty should be given due recognition by either declaring a referendum or general election in order to avoid anarchy.

The conflict is with Executive and Parliament, Best thing to do is to have Presidential election as it is the only election that will be due soon.


157LKA - #PM Crisis# - Page 7 Empty Re: #PM Crisis# Fri Dec 07, 2018 6:35 am


Assistant Vice President - Equity Analytics
Assistant Vice President - Equity Analytics

Ryan Hudson wrote:Further more, yesterday Namal Kumara did another revelation that Ranil, Fonsi and Pujitha is connected to attempted kill of Prez, 

Still Ranil, Fonsi and Pujitha is mum about it, it means they have tried this, they have analysed the constitution and were about to do the big game? can we have such a power greedy man as our PM, propose to remove civic rights of Ranil as already recommended in Batalanda commission report

Don't Cry fool here.. Ask your Sorisena to Arrest Ranil, SF and whoever tried to kill him. I don't see a value of this connection, Also a person like namal Kumara will SF will entrust such a task to a kind of person. 

Needs to check brains of few people who involved in this story..


158LKA - #PM Crisis# - Page 7 Empty Re: #PM Crisis# Fri Dec 07, 2018 6:51 am


Assistant Vice President - Equity Analytics
Assistant Vice President - Equity Analytics

ranferdi wrote:
Ryan Hudson wrote:Further more, yesterday Namal Kumara did another revelation that Ranil, Fonsi and Pujitha is connected to attempted kill of Prez, 

Still Ranil, Fonsi and Pujitha is mum about it, it means they have tried this, they have analysed the constitution and were about to do the big game? can we have such a power greedy man as our PM, propose to remove civic rights of Ranil as already recommended in Batalanda commission report

Don't Cry fool here.. Ask your Sorisena to Arrest Ranil, SF and whoever tried to kill him. I don't see a value of this connection, Also a person Very Happy Very Happy Very Happy Very Happy Very Happy :Dnamal Kumara will SF will entrust such a task to a kind of person. 

Needs to check brains of few people who involved in this story..
ඔහොම ය0... pirat pirat pirat pirat Basketball Basketball Basketball

159LKA - #PM Crisis# - Page 7 Empty Re: #PM Crisis# Fri Dec 07, 2018 9:32 am



ranferdi wrote:
samaritan wrote:The present constitutional crisis has become an academic exercise due to ambiguities caused by the 19th amendment while the country is sinking. At this juncture the people's sovereignty should be given due recognition by either declaring a referendum or general election in order to avoid anarchy.

The conflict is with Executive and Parliament, Best thing to do is to have Presidential election as it is the only election that will be due soon.
The issue concerns the parliament, where the two major alliances (UPFA+SLPP & UNF) don't have simple majority on their own. UNF has to cling on to the opposition to form a govt & that's a joke. Like Sampanthan supports the UNF to form the govt and sits as opposition leader playing the role of govt's agent. The crisis is in the legislature and warrants resolution thro' a general election, so that one of the alliances could form a stable govt with absolute majority.
UNP should not be allergic to a general election and face the verdict of the people in whom the ultimate power rests.

160LKA - #PM Crisis# - Page 7 Empty Re: #PM Crisis# Fri Dec 07, 2018 10:35 am


Assistant Vice President - Equity Analytics
Assistant Vice President - Equity Analytics

samaritan wrote:
ranferdi wrote:
samaritan wrote:The present constitutional crisis has become an academic exercise due to ambiguities caused by the 19th amendment while the country is sinking. At this juncture the people's sovereignty should be given due recognition by either declaring a referendum or general election in order to avoid anarchy.

The conflict is with Executive and Parliament, Best thing to do is to have Presidential election as it is the only election that will be due soon.
The issue concerns the parliament, where the two major alliances (UPFA+SLPP & UNF) don't have simple majority on their own. UNF has to cling on to the opposition to form a govt & that's a joke. Like Sampanthan supports the UNF to form the govt and sits as opposition leader playing the role of govt's agent. The crisis is in the legislature and warrants resolution thro' a general election, so that one of the alliances could form a stable govt with absolute majority.
UNP should not be allergic to a general election and face the verdict of the people in whom the ultimate power rests.

Democracy is that when you do not have simple majority you form alliances. that's how we give voice to small parties. Right now no one have the simple majority if they do not form alliance.


161LKA - #PM Crisis# - Page 7 Empty Re: #PM Crisis# Fri Dec 07, 2018 10:24 pm


Senior Vice President - Equity Analytics
Senior Vice President - Equity Analytics

Book on Sajith Premadasa to launch in Jan. 2019

Comments / LKA - #PM Crisis# - Page 7 V-icon4 411 Views / Friday, 7 December 2018 00:00


[size=17]LKA - #PM Crisis# - Page 7 Image_e7a73a038d 


The book, ‘Sajith Premadasa: The People’s Leader/The Legacy of Ranasinghe Premadasa’, is scheduled to be launched in January 2019 (ISBN 978-955-51312-6-1). The book consists of 12 chapters, 300 pages, a hard cover and jacket of the same artwork in full colour. The book illustrates Sajith Premadasa’s career and vision and includes the housing programs, his speeches in Parliament, and press conferences which depicts his wisdom, maturity and understanding of democracy, human dignity, rule of law, media freedom, humanity, and humanitarian principles. 

The book also illustrates reflections of the great contribution made by his father former President Ranasinghe Premadasa. Just below the title of the book, the following is cited: “There go my people, I must follow them for I am their leader”: Mahatma Gandhi.

Sajith Premadasa was born on 12 January 1967. Sajith attended St. Thomas Preparatory School, Royal College, Colombo and Mill Hill School, London. Sajith won the A/L prize for politics and business studies and besides being appointed a prefect, a rare honour for any foreign student, also played in the first XI cricket team for four years, captaining the side in 1986. A graduate of the London School of Economics (LSE) and Political Science of the University of London, his degree covered the areas of economics, politics and international relations.

Following his B.Sc. at LSE, Sajith decided to pursue a Master’s degree in Public Management at the University of Maryland, near Washington DC. During his studies, Sajith also had the rare distinction of completing his internship at the US Senate, working in its Foreign Relations Committee under Senator Larry Pressler, a Republican from South Dakota. Sajith met many other influential senators, including John McCain and former presidential candidate John Kerry.

After years of working at grassroots level, Sajith first entered Parliament in 2000, polling the highest number of preferences in Hambantota and the highest preference vote percentage of the whole country. Premadasa is currently the Deputy Leader of the United National Party.

Sajith Premadasa is an excellent orator like his father. During the turmoil created recently by President Maithripala Sirisena, he acted with dignity, wisdom and maturity. Most of the vital press conferences are illustrated in the book. The author is Dr. Telli C. Rajaratnam, who is a Professor of Laws and a lawyer and well. The foreword is by an American professor.

162LKA - #PM Crisis# - Page 7 Empty Re: #PM Crisis# Sat Dec 08, 2018 5:25 am



Young parliamentarian D.V.Chanaka on Hiru news made a revelation about the large sums of money Sajith spends on promoting himself. Its believable!

163LKA - #PM Crisis# - Page 7 Empty Re: #PM Crisis# Sat Dec 08, 2018 2:04 pm

Ryan Hudson

Assistant Vice President - Equity Analytics
Assistant Vice President - Equity Analytics

Sajith Premadasa is the nidan hora, You may visit Walasmulla area in Hambantota and find detailed info on Sattjiths treasure hunting when his father was the president

Why we always focus on former leaders sons? Thats called not yahapalana not even jadapalana, thats real toyya slave mentality, if the jadapalana toyyas like JVP and UNP really want a prime minister from UNP why you cant think of people like Gayantha, Harin, even Kabir Hashim can be considered or Harsha or Akila 

At least these guys unlike Ranil, Sajith, Karumaya at least will not ruin this country let alone development

164LKA - #PM Crisis# - Page 7 Empty Re: #PM Crisis# Sat Dec 08, 2018 6:35 pm


Senior Vice President - Equity Analytics
Senior Vice President - Equity Analytics

Ryan Hudson wrote:Sajith Premadasa is the nidan hora, You may visit Walasmulla area in Hambantota and find detailed info on Sattjiths treasure hunting when his father was the president

Why we always focus on former leaders sons? Thats called not yahapalana not even jadapalana, thats real toyya slave mentality, if the jadapalana toyyas like JVP and UNP really want a prime minister from UNP why you cant think of people like Gayantha, Harin, even Kabir Hashim can be considered or Harsha or Akila 

At least these guys unlike Ranil, Sajith, Karumaya at least will not ruin this country let alone development
So Jarapassa could win the election!!!  Very Happy Very Happy Very Happy

165LKA - #PM Crisis# - Page 7 Empty Re: #PM Crisis# Sun Dec 09, 2018 9:48 am

Ryan Hudson

Assistant Vice President - Equity Analytics
Assistant Vice President - Equity Analytics

Conclusions from last few days conversation
1. Pujita ranil ranjith and gang days are numbered and will be in jail soon trying to kill prez

2. There so many jadapalana paid servents with kiriella the one gona mangala pura wesi (TOWN SLUT) gang including gas dabare and they are paid out of poor tax payers money

3. It is unrealistic to believe the jadapalana gang

4. How to identify jadapalana gang is the main problem as they come in various forms and shapes like neutral green blood jvp tna pura wesi sadarana lgbtiq human rights dont give a cent or even look at these fellas and dont take these guys into your place if you do they will loot you

5. Also don't fight with these as they are paid and you are not also these guys are at fake sleep ex they didnt see the list took payments from kira the hota

166LKA - #PM Crisis# - Page 7 Empty Re: #PM Crisis# Mon Dec 10, 2018 4:35 am


Assistant Vice President - Equity Analytics
Assistant Vice President - Equity Analytics

Ryan Hudson wrote:Conclusions from last few days conversation
1. Pujita ranil ranjith and gang days are numbered and will be in jail soon trying to kill prez

2. There so many jadapalana paid servents with kiriella the one gona mangala pura wesi (TOWN SLUT) gang including gas dabare and they are paid out of poor tax payers money

3. It is unrealistic to believe the jadapalana gang

4. How to identify jadapalana gang is the main problem as they come in various forms and shapes  like neutral green blood jvp tna pura wesi sadarana lgbtiq human rights dont give a cent or even look at these fellas and dont take these guys into your place  if you do they will loot you

5. Also don't fight with these as they are paid and you are not also these guys are at fake sleep ex they didnt see the list took payments from kira the hota

Lets move on good words help good communication, The baiyas who support MARA never know the value of good communication,
No wonder they all call MARA as appachchi.


167LKA - #PM Crisis# - Page 7 Empty Re: #PM Crisis# Wed Dec 12, 2018 5:12 pm


Senior Vice President - Equity Analytics
Senior Vice President - Equity Analytics

ශ්‍රී ලංකාවේ දේශපාලන අර්බුදය: රනිල් වික්‍රමසිංහගේ "මන්ත්‍රී ධුරය අහෝසි කරන්න"
2018 දෙසැම්බර් 11

රජයේ ආයතන සමග ව්‍යාපාරික කටයුතුවල යෙදීම හේතුවෙන් එක්සත් ජාතික පක්ෂයේ නායක රනිල් වික්‍රමසිංහගේ පාර්ලිමේන්තු මන්ත්‍රී ධූරය අහෝසි කිරිමේ රිට් ආඥාවක් නිකුත් කරන මෙන් ඉල්ලමින් අභියාචනාධිකරණය වෙත පෙත්සමක් ඉදිරිපත් කර තිබේ.

පෙත්සම ඉදිරිපත් කොට තිබෙන්නේ යුක්තිය උදෙසා කාන්තාවෝ සංවිධානයේ සම සභාපතිනි ශර්මිලා ගෝනවල විසිනි.

ශ්‍රී ලංකා ආණ්ඩුකම ව්‍යවස්ථාවේ ප්‍රතිපාදනවලට අනුව පාර්ලිමේන්තු මන්ත්‍රීවරුන්ට රජයේ ආයතන සමඟ කොන්ත්‍රාත්වලට එළැඹ ව්‍යාපාරික කටයුතු සිදු කිරීම මන්ත්‍රී ධුර දැරීමට නුසුදුසු කමක් සේ අර්ථකථනය කර ඇති බව පෙත්සම්කාරිය සඳහන් කරයි.

වගඋත්තරකාර රනිල් වික්‍රමසිංහ ලේක්හවුස් සමූහ ව්‍යාපාරයේ කොටස්කරුවකු බව තමන්ට දැනගැනීමට ලැබී ඇතැයි සඳහන් කරන පෙත්සම්කාරිය, ලංකා බැංකුව සහ මහජන බැංකුවේ චෙක්පත් මුද්‍රණය කරනු ලබන්නේ එම සමූහ ව්‍යාපාරය යටතේ පවතින ලේක්හවුස් ප්‍රින්ටර්ස් ඇන්ඩ් පබ්ලිෂර්ස් (Lake House Printers and Publishers)පුද්ගලික සමාගම මගින් බව ද පවසයි.

එබැවින් ලේක්හවුස් සමූහ ව්‍යාපාරයේ කොටස්කරුවකු වශයෙන් කටයුතු කරමින් ලංකා බැංකුව සහ මහජන බැංකුව සමඟ කොන්ත්‍රාත්වලට එළඹ ව්‍යාපාරික ගනුදෙනු සිදුකිරීම මගින් රනිල් වික්‍රමසිංහට මන්ත්‍රී ධූරය දැරීමට නුසුදුසු කමක් උද්ගතව ඇතැයි පෙත්සම්කාරිය සිය පෙත්සමේ සඳහන් කරයි.

රාජිත සේනාරත්නට එරෙහි තීන්දුව කුමක්ද?

මේ අන්දමින් රජයේ ආයතන සමග ව්‍යාපාරික කටයුතුවල නිරත වීමේ චෝදනාව මත පාර්ලිමේන්තු මන්ත්‍රී රාජිත සේනාරත්නගේ මන්ත්‍රී ධුරය ද මීට ඉහතදී අධිකරණය විසින් අහෝසි කර තිබෙන බව ඇය පෙන්වා දී තිබේ.


168LKA - #PM Crisis# - Page 7 Empty Re: #PM Crisis# Wed Dec 12, 2018 5:55 pm

Ryan Hudson

Assistant Vice President - Equity Analytics
Assistant Vice President - Equity Analytics

Good deeds are always better than good words, you can say anything sweet from your mouth, but if your deeds does not match whats the point?

One thing about toyyas is that their deeds are as bad as their words, best example is their wasted leader ranil with his foul mouth and work

That is why Prez does not appoint Ranil as PM even if 225 of MPs in parliament does sign for Ranil, and the good deed and word of My3 the toy and buy mixed prez

Today shameless 117 MPs in parliament passed confidence motion for a person who committed the biggest financial crime in the entire 4000 year sri lankan history to achieve each others people unfirendly and sinister moves, this is evidence in itself how corrupt these 117 MPs, may be all of these has taken money from Aloysius

169LKA - #PM Crisis# - Page 7 Empty Re: #PM Crisis# Wed Dec 12, 2018 7:23 pm


Senior Vice President - Equity Analytics
Senior Vice President - Equity Analytics

Ryan Hudson wrote:Good deeds are always better than good words, you can say anything sweet from your mouth, but if your deeds does not match whats the point?

One thing about toyyas is that their deeds are as bad as their words, best example is their wasted leader ranil with his foul mouth and work

That is why Prez does not appoint Ranil as PM even if 225 of MPs in parliament does sign for Ranil, and the good deed and word of My3 the toy and buy mixed prez

Today shameless 117 MPs in parliament passed confidence motion for a person who committed the biggest financial crime in the entire 4000 year sri lankan history to achieve each others people unfirendly and sinister moves, this is evidence in itself how corrupt these 117 MPs, may be all of these has taken money from Aloysius
117 patriotic MPs rejected MARA gang's 500million offers as MS said.We salute all of you bravo. Democracy win and thugs, miris kudu karayo, kudu karayo, ethonol karayo, marayo all loosing. Very Happy Very Happy Very Happy

170LKA - #PM Crisis# - Page 7 Empty Re: #PM Crisis# Thu Dec 13, 2018 4:46 am


Assistant Vice President - Equity Analytics
Assistant Vice President - Equity Analytics

Yahapalanaya wrote:
Ryan Hudson wrote:Good deeds are always better than good words, you can say anything sweet from your mouth, but if your deeds does not match whats the point?

One thing about toyyas is that their deeds are as bad as their words, best example is their wasted leader ranil with his foul mouth and work

That is why Prez does not appoint Ranil as PM even if 225 of MPs in parliament does sign for Ranil, and the good deed and word of My3 the toy and buy mixed prez

Today shameless 117 MPs in parliament passed confidence motion for a person who committed the biggest financial crime in the entire 4000 year sri lankan history to achieve each others people unfirendly and sinister moves, this is evidence in itself how corrupt these 117 MPs, may be all of these has taken money from Aloysius
117 patriotic MPs rejected MARA gang's 500million offers as MS said.We salute all of you bravo. Democracy win and thugs, miris kudu karayo, kudu karayo, ethonol karayo, marayo all loosing. Very Happy Very Happy Very Happy

Democracy is allowing majority government to function, If someone thinks democracy is snap election s at the time that is advantageous that's wrong. Now Ranil has shown the majority in every possible way. Its time for my3 to take decision or face consequences.


171LKA - #PM Crisis# - Page 7 Empty Re: #PM Crisis# Thu Dec 13, 2018 7:25 am


Senior Vice President - Equity Analytics
Senior Vice President - Equity Analytics

Supreme Court will deliver the verdict 

LKA - #PM Crisis# - Page 7 Zzz10

172LKA - #PM Crisis# - Page 7 Empty Re: #PM Crisis# Thu Dec 13, 2018 8:20 am

Ryan Hudson

Assistant Vice President - Equity Analytics
Assistant Vice President - Equity Analytics

Democracy is that the decision of powerful should not be harmful to powerless, the decision of majority should not be harmful to minority, 

In Sri Lanka democracy is executed by 3 interdependent posts parliament, executive and courts of law, parliament passes new laws, executive executes and judiciary defines

All executions of policies procedures and programmes are done by executive president and cabinet and legislature has no executive powers, 

If parliament in disarray executive should execute his powers to dissolve parliament, in a small country like ours which the location is very strategic foreign powers can buy our 225 idiotic MPs easily, therefore 117 majority is not genuine, it is just a majority formed to loot and shoot mother lanka, all having sinister motives

173LKA - #PM Crisis# - Page 7 Empty Re: #PM Crisis# Thu Dec 13, 2018 8:29 am


Senior Vice President - Equity Analytics
Senior Vice President - Equity Analytics

Ryan Hudson wrote:Democracy is that the decision of powerful should not be harmful to powerless, the decision of majority should not be harmful to minority, 

In Sri Lanka democracy is executed by 3 interdependent posts parliament, executive and courts of law, parliament passes new laws, executive executes and judiciary defines

All executions of policies procedures and programmes are done by executive president and cabinet and legislature has no executive powers, 

If parliament in disarray executive should execute his powers to dissolve parliament, in a small country like ours which the location is very strategic foreign powers can buy our 225 idiotic MPs easily, therefore 117 majority is not genuine, it is just a majority formed to loot and shoot mother lanka, all having sinister motives

LKA - #PM Crisis# - Page 7 U211

174LKA - #PM Crisis# - Page 7 Empty Re: #PM Crisis# Thu Dec 13, 2018 11:07 am



Ryan Hudson wrote:Democracy is that the decision of powerful should not be harmful to powerless, the decision of majority should not be harmful to minority, 

In Sri Lanka democracy is executed by 3 interdependent posts parliament, executive and courts of law, parliament passes new laws, executive executes and judiciary defines

All executions of policies procedures and programmes are done by executive president and cabinet and legislature has no executive powers, 

If parliament in disarray executive should execute his powers to dissolve parliament, in a small country like ours which the location is very strategic foreign powers can buy our 225 idiotic MPs easily, therefore 117 majority is not genuine, it is just a majority formed to loot and shoot mother lanka, all having sinister motives
Ruling alliance showing majority with the main opposition takes place only in Sri Lanka. Something to laugh thro' the backside.

175LKA - #PM Crisis# - Page 7 Empty Re: #PM Crisis# Thu Dec 13, 2018 3:39 pm


Senior Vice President - Equity Analytics
Senior Vice President - Equity Analytics

Sri Lanka parliament sacking 'illegal'

  • 13 December 2018
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LKA - #PM Crisis# - Page 7 _104767341_50d0df29-e6fd-421a-bc4c-f97f081f1374Image copyrightAFPImage captionThe Supreme Court was packed with MPs, lawyers and journalists awaiting the judgment
Sri Lanka's top court has ruled that the president's dissolution of parliament last month was unconstitutional, as a political crisis continues to grip the nation.
President Maithripala Sirisena dismissed his prime minister and replaced him with former leader Mahinda Rajapaksa in late October.
When that decision was contested, he dissolved parliament.
The ruling could see sacked PM Ranil Wickremesinghe return to office.
The legislature - which has been sitting after a temporary ruling from the Supreme Court - has already passed two no-confidence motions against Mr Rajapaksa.
The controversial but popular leader was president at the end of Sri Lanka's nearly three decade-old civil war in 2009 and is accused of presiding over vast human rights abuses, which he denies.

  • House of Cards in the Indian Ocean

  • Return of a war-time strongman

On Wednesday, the parliament passed a vote of confidence in Ranil Wickremesinghe as prime minister.
His party and its allies have a simple majority in parliament - and have argued from the beginning that President Sirisena's actions, including calling a snap election nearly two years ahead of schedule, were unconstitutional.
The Supreme Court on Thursday said the president could not dissolve parliament until it was four-and-a-half years through its five-year term.
Correspondents say that if the president does not accept the top court's decision, it could lead to impeachment proceedings. However this would require the support of a two-thirds majority in parliament and a special inquiry by the Supreme Court.
In a tweet, Mr Wickremesinghe called on President Sirisena to "promptly respect the judgment of the courts".
He is yet to comment. Namal Rajapaksa, an MP and son of Mahinda Rajapaksa, tweeted: "We respect the decision of [Sri Lanka's] Supreme Court, despite the fact that we have reservations regarding its interpretation."

The political crisis, which began on 26 October when President Sirisena shocked the nation by suddenly sacking his PM, is being closely watched by the US, India, China and the European Union.
The government has been in paralysis since an appeals court ruling last week that restrained Mr Rajapaksa from acting as prime minister, in a separate case brought by 122 MPs.

  • Sri Lanka profile

  • Mass grave is now Sri Lanka's largest

The crisis - which has provoked brawls in parliament and sparked large protests - has hurt tourism, which makes up about 5% of the country's economy.

176LKA - #PM Crisis# - Page 7 Empty Re: #PM Crisis# Thu Dec 13, 2018 3:42 pm


Senior Vice President - Equity Analytics
Senior Vice President - Equity Analytics

ruwan326 wrote:Sri Lanka parliament sacking 'illegal'

  • 13 December 2018
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LKA - #PM Crisis# - Page 7 _104767341_50d0df29-e6fd-421a-bc4c-f97f081f1374Image copyrightAFPImage captionThe Supreme Court was packed with MPs, lawyers and journalists awaiting the judgment
Sri Lanka's top court has ruled that the president's dissolution of parliament last month was unconstitutional, as a political crisis continues to grip the nation.
President Maithripala Sirisena dismissed his prime minister and replaced him with former leader Mahinda Rajapaksa in late October.
When that decision was contested, he dissolved parliament.
The ruling could see sacked PM Ranil Wickremesinghe return to office.
The legislature - which has been sitting after a temporary ruling from the Supreme Court - has already passed two no-confidence motions against Mr Rajapaksa.
The controversial but popular leader was president at the end of Sri Lanka's nearly three decade-old civil war in 2009 and is accused of presiding over vast human rights abuses, which he denies.

  • House of Cards in the Indian Ocean

  • Return of a war-time strongman

On Wednesday, the parliament passed a vote of confidence in Ranil Wickremesinghe as prime minister.
His party and its allies have a simple majority in parliament - and have argued from the beginning that President Sirisena's actions, including calling a snap election nearly two years ahead of schedule, were unconstitutional.
The Supreme Court on Thursday said the president could not dissolve parliament until it was four-and-a-half years through its five-year term.
Correspondents say that if the president does not accept the top court's decision, it could lead to impeachment proceedings. However this would require the support of a two-thirds majority in parliament and a special inquiry by the Supreme Court.
In a tweet, Mr Wickremesinghe called on President Sirisena to "promptly respect the judgment of the courts".
He is yet to comment. Namal Rajapaksa, an MP and son of Mahinda Rajapaksa, tweeted: "We respect the decision of [Sri Lanka's] Supreme Court, despite the fact that we have reservations regarding its interpretation."

The political crisis, which began on 26 October when President Sirisena shocked the nation by suddenly sacking his PM, is being closely watched by the US, India, China and the European Union.
The government has been in paralysis since an appeals court ruling last week that restrained Mr Rajapaksa from acting as prime minister, in a separate case brought by 122 MPs.

  • Sri Lanka profile

  • Mass grave is now Sri Lanka's largest

The crisis - which has provoked brawls in parliament and sparked large protests - has hurt tourism, which makes up about 5% of the country's economy.

Lets accept the Supreme Court  decision and move forward without wasting more time here........
LKA - #PM Crisis# - Page 7 F11410

177LKA - #PM Crisis# - Page 7 Empty Re: #PM Crisis# Fri Dec 14, 2018 4:30 am



Supreme Court refuses to interfere in Jammu and Kashmir Governor's decision to dissolve state Assembly

Updated Dec 10, 2018 | 12:07 IST | Times Now Digital

Supreme Court, on Monday, refused to interfere in Jammu and Kashmir Governor's decision to dissolve state Assembly. 'We are not inclined to intervene', said SC.

The reason for dissolution by Governor:
"The impossibility of forming a stable government by the coming together of political parties with opposing political ideologies including some which have been demanding dissolution of the Assembly; whereas the experience of the past few years shows that with the fractured mandate that is there in the Assembly, it is not possible to form a stable government comprising like-minded parties. The coming together of such parties in a grouping is nothing but an attempt to gain power rather than to form a responsive government," Raj Bhavan said in a detailed statement. 

Last edited by samaritan on Fri Dec 14, 2018 4:32 am; edited 1 time in total

178LKA - #PM Crisis# - Page 7 Empty Re: #PM Crisis# Fri Dec 14, 2018 4:31 am


Assistant Vice President - Equity Analytics
Assistant Vice President - Equity Analytics

Ryan Hudson wrote:Democracy is that the decision of powerful should not be harmful to powerless, the decision of majority should not be harmful to minority, 

In Sri Lanka democracy is executed by 3 interdependent posts parliament, executive and courts of law, parliament passes new laws, executive executes and judiciary defines

All executions of policies procedures and programmes are done by executive president and cabinet and legislature has no executive powers, 

If parliament in disarray executive should execute his powers to dissolve parliament, in a small country like ours which the location is very strategic foreign powers can buy our 225 idiotic MPs easily, therefore 117 majority is not genuine, it is just a majority formed to loot and shoot mother lanka, all having sinister motives

Democracy is proven In the courts. I wonder how MARA and GEMBA became lawyers, Leave Normal baby as we know already how he wrote the exams.


179LKA - #PM Crisis# - Page 7 Empty Re: #PM Crisis# Fri Dec 14, 2018 5:21 am



samaritan wrote:Supreme Court refuses to interfere in Jammu and Kashmir Governor's decision to dissolve state Assembly

Updated Dec 10, 2018 | 12:07 IST | Times Now Digital

Supreme Court, on Monday, refused to interfere in Jammu and Kashmir Governor's decision to dissolve state Assembly. 'We are not inclined to intervene', said SC.

The reason for dissolution by Governor:
"The impossibility of forming a stable government by the coming together of political parties with opposing political ideologies including some which have been demanding dissolution of the Assembly; whereas the experience of the past few years shows that with the fractured mandate that is there in the Assembly, it is not possible to form a stable government comprising like-minded parties. The coming together of such parties in a grouping is nothing but an attempt to gain power rather than to form a responsive government," Raj Bhavan said in a detailed statement. 
In the context of politics here, the coming together of UNF & TNA in a grouping is nothing but to gain power rather than to form a responsive govt to take the country forward.

180LKA - #PM Crisis# - Page 7 Empty Re: #PM Crisis# Fri Dec 14, 2018 8:12 am


Senior Vice President - Equity Analytics
Senior Vice President - Equity Analytics

මෛත්‍රී -රනිල් එකතුවෙලා මහින්දව වැලලුවද??????

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