What are the sectors you identify as prospective in the forth coming quarters and years?
I have identified a few
1. Power and energy (alternative Power such as Hydro, Solar and Wind)
The whole country and the world is rapidly developing and oil reserves are depreciating at a rate and no new oil reserves are discovered. Oil prices will rise and the importance of the alternative energies will rise as mankind will never stop developing. To support the rapid development above energy sources will have to be developed in the future. For sure this sector is going to shine.
2. Hotels and Travels
With the liberation, attractiveness of the country as a tourist destination has risen. Country's developments and investments in this sector will back this hike.
But there are negatives as well, government regulations of minimum hotel charges will discourage some tourist segments and the unemployment and economic instability of the West might put down the disposable income of the potential tourists.
3. Information Communication Technology
Development of the country ought to be backed by improved IT infrastructure. SL is still in a primary stage when IT literacy is concerned compared to the developed part of the world, hence this sector will have good prospects in the future with holdings like PC House taking the initiative. The entire world is digitizing and networking and there fore IT sector will have prospects in the country in all short, medium and long term.
FYI http://www.dailynews.lk/2011/06/28/bus24.asp
4. Construction and engineering
With the liberation of N&E and with the development of infrastructure and other noncurrent assets country will have more and more construction projects coming in the future. Public and private sector will have to tie up with the foreign players as well to optimize the output. But we should keep in mind that these developments are very vulnerable to the political situation in the country. Therefore we might need to concentrate more in short and medium term rather than the long term investments in this sector.
FYI http://www.ft.lk/wp-content/uploads/file/DFT-12(9).jpg
What do you all think as emerging industries?