Stock market for beginners
Short-term traders see long term investing as boring, that is just fine for most traders, especially inexperienced investors. If you are considering short term investing, please do so with only a small portion of your overall portfolio capital and do so with extreme caution. However, for most investors, a longer-term approach is absolutely the way to go.
The goal of any investor is to grow your invested capital: to make money. The only way to really maximize your profitability with the short-term strategy is to time the market just right. That means, to buy a stock at its lowest point and sell it at its highest, before it drops again. If you sell too soon, you are missing potential gains. On the other hand, sell too late and it could be a disaster.
Buying or selling of share is a very personal decision. You should not change your thesis based on someone's personal decision. If someone says, he or she has just bought or exited a share, just ignore it. These individual choices won't affect company’s fundamentals.The market is sometimes quite confusing.
Sometimes our emotions may interfere with our ability to make prudent decisions. Try to Avoid Getting Sucked into Any Panic Modes While Looking for Opportunities.
Good luck and safe trading
Asoka Samarakone