RGEM :- RGEM is the Cheapest Illiquid Stock in the market
I List here first 25 Illiquid stock According to the Market capitalisation list from the CSE.
Symbol=======Price====Issued Quantity== QTY in CDS
CPRT.N0000==== 100.00====35,010======29,615
KZOO.N0000==== 3100.00===50,000======43,179
OFEQ.N0000==== 120.40====83,356======70,799
PARA.N0000==== 1899.00===100,028======81,597
MORI.X0000==== 2399.00===174,249======151,023
SLND.N0000==== 2999.00===360,000======236,830
MORI.N0000==== 3775.00===580,829======381,758
ASPH.N0000==== 530.20====666,562======222,337
BINN.N0000 ====170.00==== 900,000======875,079
HARI.N0000 ====2900.00=== 959,800======406,534
AUTO.N0000==== 990.00====1,200,000======200,428
PHAR.N0000==== 1760.20===1,272,857======1,137,261
SING.N0000 ====505.80==== 1,385,207======1,034,615
UCAR.N0000==== 849.90====1,500,000======1,180,216
ALLI.N0000 ====987.30==== 1,620,000======978,338
EMER.N0000==== 2690.00===1,677,800======415,777
HUEJ.N0000 ====165.80==== 1,800,000======1,798,968
COCO.X0000====49.50==== 1,800,000======94,551
NEH.N0000==== 1650.00===2,003,870======1,473,013
GEST.N0000==== 250.00====2,278,125======504,099
RGEM.N0000==== 105.30====2,400,000======1,301,502
EBCR.N0000 ====1866.70====2,535,458======1,476,711
MIRA.N0000 ====303.80==== 2,750,000======1,568,546
Note:- CPRT not active trading and COCO.X depend on COCO.N so RGEM is the least price illiquid stock ..
more than 1,800 000 share hold by major share holders from 2,400,000 RGEM... Now a days some players collect more than 325,000 shares from the market .. So compare with the price level it is very very illiquid stock in the market.
GEMS market going up with the Gold market.. So they will show good profit in their financial statement ..last quarter they turned to profit. even if they revalue their Gems they can show good assets for their shares . So in the future RGEM is the good stock. may be short term profit ...
only on of the GEM company listed in the CSE.. it is RGEM.