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Forum Rules, Policies & Guidelines

Light of Hope
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1Forum Rules, Policies & Guidelines Empty Forum Rules, Policies & Guidelines Sun Jun 26, 2011 5:21 pm


Senior Vice President - Equity Analytics
Senior Vice President - Equity Analytics

This is a Public Forum. We humbly request you to use this forum responsibly to share facts and clarify your concerns. This Forum should not be used in any way to manipulate the market. Posts which are seemingly misleading or manipulative will be deleted by the administrators. Any post which includes price sensitive information which is not supported with proof will be rejected. Forward looking statements or forecasts which does not provide any supporting material will not be published.

If you are sharing any performance related data of a company please accompany those with supporting material. For example, if you are publishing a comment on the profit of a company the post should be accompanied by a link to the relevant report (i.e. Interim Report or Annual Report of the Company). This measure is purely taken to safeguard your interests as investors.

Further, comments that use foul or abusive language will be edited or deleted. Please refrain from commenting on any public figure as the same will not be published. For example, a comment on the personal life of Bill Clinton will not be published.

To help you understand the scope of this forum and to ensure that your valuable opinions are not rejected, we’ll provide you with some posts which we consider are acceptable.


- Comments on profits of companies accompanied by links to supporting material
- Comments on news related to a company accompanied by links to the source
- Comments on economy related news
- Questions on any corporate action (i.e. Rights Issues, Capitalizations, etc.) of a company;
- Any genuine question related to investing.

If we reject your post due to any reason we will keep you informed so that you can stick to acceptable posts. We appreciate your valuable comments and the only reason we would reject a post is due to the sensitive nature of the market.

Please also note that reader comments posted are the opinion of the comment writer and not the opinion of Sri Lanka Equity Analytics. Help us enhance access to information while protecting an orderly market.

Last edited by Quibit on Sun Oct 22, 2017 9:05 am; edited 7 times in total

2Forum Rules, Policies & Guidelines Empty Re: Forum Rules, Policies & Guidelines Sun Jun 26, 2011 5:34 pm


Senior Vice President - Equity Analytics
Senior Vice President - Equity Analytics

General Rules
Please read through this entire guide before you start posting. There is important information contained within this guide that everyone should be aware of.

Administration: Be aware that Administrators and Moderators have the ability to delete, edit, merge, move or close any forum message or topic, without advance warning, that its members create. This isn't done out of spite but rather if the admin or moderator feel that the forums are best served by modifying the topic or message. If your topic has been locked, moved, merged or deleted, don't address the issue by posting a message where the entire community can read it. Take it to PM and discuss it in a rational manner.

Cyber-Bully Warning: If you engage in harassment, intimidation or threaten another member of this community through a posted message, a forum topic or a personal message ... be aware that we will ban your forum access for life. We do not condone this kind of behavior and the offending member will be evicted from Sri Lanka Equity Forum.

BANNED Members. This is highlighted for one reason only. If you were banned, you are not allowed to use an anonymous IP address or use a proxy service or proxy website to access Sri Lanka Equity Forum.


Forum Rules
1. Please, no swearing on the forums. While this kind of language may be easy to use, we ask that everyone refrain from using it. This includes trying to by pass the forums censored words by adding a * or a # in the text.

2. Do not use any type of abusive or offensive language/behavior.

3. Please, do not "copy and post" the same identical message in multiple topics.

4. Do not post anything that contains, insinuates or leads to defamation, slander, libel, pornographic, violent or otherwise offensive behavior.

5. Absolutely, do not use anything that can be considered hate-based language or behavior. BANNED: Racism, Ethnic Slurs, Racial Slurs/Slang, Religious or Cultural Insults. Be aware that if you engage in this behavior, you will be BANNED FOR LIFE.

6. Do not post any comment, content, links or images that abuse any Admin, Moderator or Registered Member of this website or community. If you do, you will be banned. Respect this community and everything associated with it.

7. No multiple accounts. Members are entitled to only one account. If you were banned for any reason, you can appeal to the Admin or Moderators by clicking on the "Contact" link at the bottom of this page.

8. No posting of questions in which would be a violation of state laws will be tolerated. These topics will be deleted or locked. Members will be warned about this.

9. No solicitation of any type is allowed in this forum. Members can only offer support and guidance to other members. Solicitation of merchandise, money, or other goods and services is strictly prohibited. Members who solicit on this site are subject to immediate banning at the discretion of the Administration team without warning. This includes any type of job or "work at home" offers.

The Warning System

1. It is the discretion of the Admin or Moderator to determine the appropriate restriction for your forum access if you decide to break the rules. If you receive a warning strike, be aware of why you were given the warning strike and may special attention to the Admin or Moderator who gave it to you. It serves as a message that you violated the forum rules.

2. If you received a warning strike, the Admin or Moderator who gave it to you will send you a PM indicating the "rules violation" that you committed. Take that time to re-examine the forum rules so that you don't violate the forum rules.

3. After a period of 30 days, you can appeal your warning strike by sending a PM to the Admin or Moderator who gave you that warning strike. If you have followed the forum rules and respected the community, then your appeal may be granted. Be aware, you need to be respectful when asking for an appeal of your warning strike. This will aid in your appeal.

4. Only the Admin or Moderator who gave you the warning strike may rescind it. If a Moderator issued it, you can appeal to an Admin.

Code of Conduct

While we do recognize the need for everyone to post their personal opinions about any topic they wish wish to discuss, we also recognize that sometimes a heated discussion can often lead into uncharted areas. To this end, this will serve as a guide to your forum experience, apart from the forum rules. We just ask that everyone remain aware of this guide and use it while interacting with the other members.

1. Please, be civil when talking to each other. Remember, it's all about respect. You need to show respect in order to receive it.

2. Personal opinions are just that, personal opinions. If someone posts their opinion and you don't agree with it, even if it's a statement by somebody working in the media or for a media news station, don't banter with them about it on the forums, simply state your own view. We want to encourage more positive behavior and it's not necessary to stoop down to somebody Else's level in order to express your opinion.

3. Do NOT, under any circumstances, trash talk any person, another member or another website or forum. Be aware that you may be banned if you do.

4. Please refrain from posting derogatory remarks about someone else. This is mainly aimed at the news media, its stations, newspapers or affiliates. It's okay to have a dissenting opinion or opposing view to that person, just don't stoop to their level of personal insults or name-calling.

5. Every member is responsible for the conduct committed under their own forum account. If a posted message appears to be posted under your account, and it violates the forum rules, you will be held responsible (or liable) for that conduct.

How to Report Content

If you discover an offensive post or someone has posted content that violates the forum rules or that you object to, please click on the "exclamation point" that is attached to that post. This is the report icon and you can report any posted message. Once you click on the report icon, someone will deal with the content you have reported and act upon it.


3Forum Rules, Policies & Guidelines Empty Re: Forum Rules, Policies & Guidelines Sun Jun 26, 2011 10:13 pm


Senior Vice President - Equity Analytics
Senior Vice President - Equity Analytics

When posting please try to utilize the first 300 word in a manner your post utilize the available space to an optimum manner. This will enable the post to appear on the Latest News list with adequate summary.

*Don't leave un-utilized space on the top of your post,
*Please indicate the source/authors of article (if any) at the end,
*Try to avoid using Hi.. Dear friends etc unless it is really necessary.
*Try to use lower case letters for the Topic
*Avoid too many paragraphs at the beginning

These are not rules, these just some points to make this forum more reader friendly!!

Please use as much as simple letters or lower case letters when posting articles. You can use Capital or Uppercase letters for Stock Codes and mixed with lower case whenever it is necessary. Avoid ALL UPPER CASE LETTER in your topics or contents. Also please avoid using unnecessary punctuations like question marks ???????, !!!!!!!! and full stops .......... in your topic or too many smilies Very Happy Very Happy Very Happy Very Happy in your content. Make the header/title of your article looks attractive' by avoiding SMS language or spelling and grammatical errors.

This is not an order but a request!!! Thank you.

Only Moderators are allowed to use colorized contents. Members can freely use Bold, Italics and underlining.

4Forum Rules, Policies & Guidelines Empty Re: Forum Rules, Policies & Guidelines Sat Feb 22, 2014 1:58 pm


Assistant Vice President - Equity Analytics
Assistant Vice President - Equity Analytics

Some Administrators complain that Rules and Regulations introduced by Slstock has been deleted by me. Nothing has been deleted, I have only merged these new rules with old forum rules issued. Please see the thread for the details. It is not fair to accuse someone without properly reading the forum.

5Forum Rules, Policies & Guidelines Empty Re: Forum Rules, Policies & Guidelines Thu Apr 10, 2014 10:47 pm


Vice President - Equity Analytics
Vice President - Equity Analytics

As Moderators we all pledge to safeguard and uplift Forum by following the Rules and Regulations setout by the previous Administrators and Management.

6Forum Rules, Policies & Guidelines Empty Re: Forum Rules, Policies & Guidelines Thu Apr 10, 2014 11:33 pm



We need to revamp the Rules, Few Rules easy to Manage

7Forum Rules, Policies & Guidelines Empty Re: Forum Rules, Policies & Guidelines Fri Apr 11, 2014 12:07 pm



8Forum Rules, Policies & Guidelines Empty Re: Forum Rules, Policies & Guidelines Fri Apr 11, 2014 6:34 pm



Thanks VP

9Forum Rules, Policies & Guidelines Empty Re: Forum Rules, Policies & Guidelines Fri Apr 11, 2014 9:48 pm


Vice President - Equity Analytics
Vice President - Equity Analytics

Good stuff VP!! Thank you.
I am just copying and pasting it for everyone's benefit and future reference.

Once your discussion forum gains momentum and you've got a steady influx of visitors, maintaining a civil environment will become increasingly important. In this, our third in a series of "How To" articles focused on building bigger, more vibrant forums, we'll present ways to manage your community that will minimize negative behavior but still promote a lively, spontaneous atmosphere.

Before you open the doors to invite guests and prospective members to explore your new forum, the rules of engagement should be somewhat established. We say somewhat because they'll probably change over time as others contribute to the management and growth of your community.

Forum Rules
While the details will probably evolve, you'll want to implement a basic framework of rules as soon as possible. Getting people to agree to guidelines as they join will be far easier than imposing new rules on an established community down the road. Below is a short list of suggestions to get you started:

Rudeness, insulting others, personal attacks, threats or inflammatory posts should not be tolerated
Repeat, redundant posting to increase post counts should be discouraged
No advertising, spamming, solicitation or commercial self promotion should be allowed
Prohibit discussing any illegal activities
No posting of lewd comments, language or photos
No posting of misleading or irrelevant comments, stay on topic
No posting of disturbing material (benign images that suddenly change to a screaming face)
Limiting members to a single forum account is advised
While this list is by no means all-inclusive, it will hopefully provide an overview of the types of forum behavior that should be monitored and controlled. For additional ideas, try Googling the term "sample online forum rules."

Recruiting Moderators
As your forum community grows, so will the need for additional moderators; you'll know when you need help. It will be that moment when you've reached your limit on how many threads you can monitor, questions you can answer, and squabbles you can defuse. Recruiting moderators is a natural progression in the growth of every healthy forum community.

While choosing the right moderators is good for everyone, empowering the wrong personality can wreak unimaginable havoc.

Below are a few key points to consider when selecting candidates:
Has the user contributed regularly over a period of time? Are they knowledgeable?
Do they have good grammar, spelling and syntax skills?
Does the user have the right personality? Are they even tempered, likable, and fair minded?
Do they have the time to commit to being a moderator?
When extending invitations to prospective moderators, try approaching users who post a high number of quality posts and appear to be committed to the forum. Approaching candidates can be as simple as private messaging them and asking them to become a moderator. Explain why you've considered them and clearly define their role.

Moderator Responsibilities
Clearly defining moderator responsibilities is of utmost importance. They must know what's expected of their position as well as which decisions and activities are assigned to others. Moderators are typically assigned a particular discussion forum or user group and are expected to perform the following functions:

Visit the forum at least once each day
Keep posts clean and move off-topic posts to appropriate categories
Communicate with unruly members and advise them of the consequences of disruptive behavior
Edit postings when necessary so that they conform to the forum's content guidelines
Delete or move single posts or entire threads when necessary

Lock or unlock posts as required
Supporting your volunteer moderators once they've assumed their new roles is also critical. Be sure to communicate frequently with them, recognize and reward their contributions and give them some time off occasionally so they don't get burned out.

Moderator Conduct
To promote cohesiveness and decorum, moderators should be responsible for their own "code of conduct." While similar to general forum rules, moderator codes of conduct are intended to preserve neutrality, authority and confidentiality. Below is a list of suggestions for your consideration. Prospective moderators should agree to:

Be respectful of all members, each other, and represent your forum with professionalism
Be discreet and maintain confidentiality regarding moderator activities and member information
Consider member feelings before hitting the submit button, both in public forums and private
Deleting member posts should be done only after conferring with the forum admin or other moderators
Resign from moderator duties if there is a breach of confidentiality or the code of conduct is not followed

Moderation Tips
Because each forum and its audience are unique, moderation styles and guidelines will differ. Consequently, you'll want to craft your own strategy as it applies to your community. As a general overview of forum moderation practices, the list below provides a starting point.

Be professional: Personality is good but don't take liberties or get lazy. Try to use correct grammar, punctuation and capitalization when you're typing. How you present yourself reflects upon your forum and people's perceptions.

Watch out for trolls and spammers. Always be vigilant and proactively seek them out and take action to minimize their annoying posts.

Watch for members abusing other members. Don't tolerate flaming; disagreements are fine but any more than that will discourage guests from joining and drive quality members from your forum. Make sure everyone has a chance to participate.
Choose forum staff carefully. Make sure the people you choose lead by example and are patient and fair.

To expand on the previous point; watch for troublesome forum staff. Don't let moderators intimidate other members or dole out unnecessarily harsh penalties for infractions. Conversely, timid moderators can be just as harmful to the health of your forum.

As your forum community grows and more people participate in the discussion, you'll most likely be amazed by the things people say. You're the host, so the responsibility for maintaining a functional environment falls to you. A good moderating strategy will help that goal immensely. Hopefully this article has provided a solid reference for establishing a moderating plan for your community. For more tips, tricks and strategies on building your forum, please refer to our previous articles in this series. Thanks for reading!

10Forum Rules, Policies & Guidelines Empty Re: Forum Rules, Policies & Guidelines Fri Apr 11, 2014 10:20 pm



Will this supersedes all previous Rules .....  Very Happy 

11Forum Rules, Policies & Guidelines Empty Re: Forum Rules, Policies & Guidelines Fri Apr 11, 2014 11:26 pm


Manager - Equity Analytics
Manager - Equity Analytics

Did you people really read this ?  lol! 

12Forum Rules, Policies & Guidelines Empty Re: Forum Rules, Policies & Guidelines Sat Apr 12, 2014 7:29 pm

Light of Hope

Vice President - Equity Analytics
Vice President - Equity Analytics

Sstar wrote:As Moderators we all pledge to safeguard and uplift Forum by following the Rules and Regulations setout by the previous Administrators and Management.

 Twisted Evil Twisted Evil Twisted Evil Twisted Evil Twisted Evil Twisted Evil Twisted Evil 

Meh!!!! The rules prev. admins introduced to safe-guard members from promotions are not balanced. Those are not fall into pro positive or negative GM, please create new rules.

13Forum Rules, Policies & Guidelines Empty Re: Forum Rules, Policies & Guidelines Sat Apr 12, 2014 11:34 pm


Vice President - Equity Analytics
Vice President - Equity Analytics

Light of Hope wrote:
Sstar wrote:As Moderators we all pledge to safeguard and uplift Forum by following the Rules and Regulations setout by the previous Administrators and Management.

 Twisted Evil Twisted Evil Twisted Evil Twisted Evil Twisted Evil Twisted Evil Twisted Evil 

Meh!!!! The rules prev. admins introduced to safe-guard members from promotions are not balanced. Those are not fall into pro positive or negative GM, please create new rules.

I am referring to the Admin who created this thread and the others who updated it. But SHARK and Valuepick were instrumental in introducing a new set of rules and to create new direction in this forum. This is the first time we are seen a set of guidelines to the Moderators. It's a great way to self discipline the Moderators. Thank you SHARK and ValuePick.

14Forum Rules, Policies & Guidelines Empty Re: Forum Rules, Policies & Guidelines Sat Apr 12, 2014 11:51 pm



In my opinion This is very good approach to have a new look, simplified Rules for Members & Moderators.


This look very transparent....

Good luck all

15Forum Rules, Policies & Guidelines Empty Re: Forum Rules, Policies & Guidelines Sun Apr 13, 2014 8:53 am



May New year bring peace and prosperity including to the stock market!

16Forum Rules, Policies & Guidelines Empty Re: Forum Rules, Policies & Guidelines Sun Apr 13, 2014 12:34 pm


Senior Vice President - Equity Analytics
Senior Vice President - Equity Analytics

Sinhala tradition is forget the past during AWRUDU season and start a

New Year

Shall we follow  the same tradition

What we need is more information abut SL stock market and
independent analysis if possible

Most important thing is  correct Information

If you can give correct information most of forum members have sufficient knowledge to  take decisions

Forum Rules policies and guide line should focus to provide more correct information about stock market of Sri lanka

Last edited by D.G.Dayaratne on Sun Apr 13, 2014 12:42 pm; edited 3 times in total (Reason for editing : correction)

17Forum Rules, Policies & Guidelines Empty Re: Forum Rules, Policies & Guidelines Sun Apr 13, 2014 12:53 pm


Senior Vice President - Equity Analytics
Senior Vice President - Equity Analytics

D.G.Dayaratne wrote:What we need is more information abut SL stock market and
independent analysis if possible
Most important thing is  correct Information

Dreaming is not prohibited.

18Forum Rules, Policies & Guidelines Empty Re: Forum Rules, Policies & Guidelines Fri Nov 07, 2014 4:13 pm


Senior Equity Analytic
Senior Equity Analytic

While we are on the subject of good practices for members I in my openion feel it is not proper to write in so called "singlese". It is not helping any one to understand. Many times it is pronounced differently and has to put 2 and 2 together to get the correct meaning.

19Forum Rules, Policies & Guidelines Empty Re: Forum Rules, Policies & Guidelines Sun Oct 29, 2017 4:39 pm


Manager - Equity Analytics
Manager - Equity Analytics

Please  avoid  the  local  political  scene  in  this  forum.   Let  us  concentrate  on  the  share  market

20Forum Rules, Policies & Guidelines Empty Re: Forum Rules, Policies & Guidelines Sun Nov 05, 2017 12:03 am


Senior Equity Analytic
Senior Equity Analytic


21Forum Rules, Policies & Guidelines Empty Re: Forum Rules, Policies & Guidelines Sun Nov 05, 2017 7:13 am


Senior Vice President - Equity Analytics
Senior Vice President - Equity Analytics

I do not think we can talk about  local Stock market without local politics

Any country maximum level of Economic crisis is Political crisis

We must avoid only personal attacks

22Forum Rules, Policies & Guidelines Empty Re: Forum Rules, Policies & Guidelines Sun Nov 05, 2017 2:58 pm


Assistant Vice President - Equity Analytics
Assistant Vice President - Equity Analytics

spot on ! most of the people who are here are promoters ! we need to stop promoters !

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