we must use this oppertunity very wisly with a plan. what is my credit limit now ? how much that i am going to use ? what are the shares that i am going to buy on credit ? these type of questions we must ask from our selves. if want to follow a rally,think twice, what is the time to buy ? & what should be the exit price ?. see the order book very carefully. try to understand the artificial orders, specially buy orders these days. big guns can push the buying pressure to sell their stake in high prices.
when considering the upward trends of the share prices yesterday it seems there were not much manipulated & spaculated.it is a good sign. Foreign buying increased. Foundamentals started to go up. good signs.....
so use this oppertunity very wisly & do not forget the force selling, because it will be come two or three days before the end of each month or any time when the liquid assets turn to the negative. Remember to review the brokers financial statmets too.
study the mkt verry well, try to understand the force selling or selling dates by refering the order book & sell before the prices go down. then collect after go down. I think this will be the circle.
happy trading friends.
Last edited by osmand on Wed Aug 17, 2011 8:48 am; edited 1 time in total